2023 was a great year for Star Watches! Thank you to everyone who came out to talk astrology with us!
Grand Vue Park and The Smart Center in Wheeling have another year of Star Watch Events scheduled for 2024! Stop by the aerial adventure park at GVP the 2nd Saturday of each month(No Star Watch July & August) from 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM to try out our top notch telescope. See constellations and deep sky objects with the help of Robert Strong from The Smart Center!
You can call 304-845-9810 with any questions.
We’ll see you there! 
Day: Saturday
Dates: 1/13, 2/10, 3/09, 4/13, 5/11, 6/08, 9/07, 10/12, 11/09, 12/14
Time: 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Location: The Aerial Adventure Park’s lot
Ages: All ages welcome (16 and under must be accompanied by an adult)
Free to attend!